Clancy of the Undertow
Christopher Currie
Clancy is a misfit who doesn’t even fit with the misfits - she’s sixteen and just trying to work out who the hell she is when her dad is involved in an accident that kills two local teenagers, her girl-crush finally notices that she exists, and new-girl Nancy walks into her life.
The Rules of Backyard Cricket
Jock Serong
South Africa are 6/194 at stumps on Day 3 and I am wrecked by the brilliance of this book. If you have a crime-fiction loving cricket fan in the family, consider your Christmas shopping sorted.
Crimson Lake
Candice Fox
Where True Detective meets the Sunshine Coast. A tightly-written thriller in a sinister, humid setting.
Terra Nullius
Claire G. Coleman
A powerful piece of speculative fiction imbued with empathy and a twist that will have your jaw on the floor.
Steve Smith's Men
Geoff Lemon
A polished account of Australian cricket's fall into a cheating scandal, steeped with emotionally intelligent insights and beautiful prose.